Tuesday 23 August 2016

Daily Habits For A BETTER Life

''Daily Habits For A BETTER Life''

Feel Great About Yourself Because Good is Just Not Good Enough 

From the time you wake up till the time you go to bed; these Habits will change you Physically & Mentally. Keep these habits and you will see a difference in your yourself .

1. Right as You Wake Up:

               The moment you wake up you create your day. Your mood creates circumstances for you day. No matter how tiered to pooped you feel...Start on a good note.. This is VERY important . 
  • Mood booster: I use this app ( daily The Secrete ) it has a time you can set according to your wake-up time, and daily it has a new inspiring line that pop ups. This may sound overheard and not exciting but somewhere in your subconsciousness it creates this base for your upcoming day.
  • Drink a glass of water: Right as you wake up. Keep it by your bed side. (warm preferably) Your body has been dehydrated for all the hours you spent sleeping. This will start your metabolism.

2. Smile At Yourself: 

             In the mirror as you wash your face or get ready Smile at your self. :) It can be for No apparent reason. :) Don't feel awkward. This is said to trigger your brain and release endorphins. Which as you already might know are Hormones that put your body into a happy relaxed state. Great Start of the day.

3. Dress Nice: 

               Even if you're at home. This does not mean to lounge around in a cocktail dress and high heels. Opt for clothes that are nicer looking. Nice clothes CAN BE comfortable :) and CAN BE inexpensive :) 
When you dress nice you'll automatically feel better. PROVEN fact. This gives you confidence 

4. Give At-least ONE Compliment Everyday:

              Something about human nature. When you make others feel good YOU feel Good.

5. Say Yes To Changes:

              They might turn out to be EXACTLY what you need :) This can be the smallest decisions of your day too LIKE : 
  • Something new to eat
  • a new place to visit
  • talking to someone you usually don't talk to
  • smiling at someone
  • Pulling off a new trend

Try these for a Week and see how you like them. :) You'll feel different Even after a few days i tell you . Every day is a new Chapter :) It's your choice how to live that day :) so why not make it a good one.
Thank You so much for reading. Leave a comment of what you may try:) Folow for more and remember Always BE GRATEFUL! :)

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own these pictures.

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