Tuesday 16 August 2016

BEST 10 Ways To Change Your life (Start Living)

The BEST Ways To Change Your Life

Are you always lazy and unmotivated? Is there something depressing going in your life that is pulling you down? Does your life seem like everyday is exactly the same ? ; get up for work/school, come home, eat, watch TV/ go online and go back to sleep...?
Then you should know that you are not living! No matter what the outcome is...if you are living this way, you are wasting YOUR life.

Here are some ways and tips for you to change your life for Better and make you start LIVING:

1.Make a Routine:

 Just by making a SIMPLE daily routine that is easy to follow will change not only your life but YOU. You will feel much more organized, productive and your thoughts will start to be more disciplined. Try to make it easy so that it is not stressful to follow.

2. Change your Look:

 Haircut, hair color, different styled clothes (that usually you would not pick for yourself), getting into shape etc. Such changes bring confidence. Confidence boosts self esteem which in-turn makes you feel happy about yourself. Which will do wonders :)

3. Declutter/ Organize / Redecorate:

 I can not stress this point more. Pick a place in your house, your room, even your office and start to declutter. Organize your space in minimalism. And redecorate if your heart desires :). You will love the after feeling. AND this will de-stress you and improve your mood. A clean organized place will in a strange way organize your mind, inspire and relax you . You'll have to try this for yourself :)

4. Pick Daily Habits:

Picking daily healthy habits will make you healthy inside out. Some Healthy Daily Habits to try out are:
  • Compliment someone daily.
  • Read a new quote daily.
  • Smile more
  • Keep a journal/ Planner.
  • Daily Breakfast etc
Opt for things that will make you feel productive and good. :)

5. Get a Pet:

 Pets bring so much love into life. It might seem that you train them but they train YOU too :) .Pets help you to develop a nurturing side in you, they teach us responsibilities and discipline. (believe it or not) :) And if you already have one, you know what i'm talking about :).

6. At-least 1 Healthy Meal Daily:

 What you eat really does change who you are. Physically and mentally. Try eating 1 healthy meal daily to start with. 
 If your every meal is healthy than you're doing yourself great :)

7. Change 1 Bad Habit:

Whats this one thing that bothers you about yourself? You may find many, as no one is perfect :) and THAT is perfectly fine. But pick one bad habbit and work on it. By this I don't mean change one bad habbit daily, just change one bad habbit as long as it takes.

8. Maintain Relations: 

 Keep in touch with close friends and FAMILY :). Don't take loving people in your life for granted.

9. Think:

 By that i mean Think Happy Thoughts :)..Do it while you're in the Shower, stuck in traffic, about to go to sleep. Small chunks of your time; spend them by giving love to yourself, to things around you, to people around you...Even in your mind. Like ''Wow what a beautiful day :)'' or '' I really like her dress'' or ''May God bless him/her'' or '' I love my hair today'' :) These thoughts will make you happy internally :)
Some inspiring books I would recommend are:
  • The Secrete
  • The Power
  • You are a badass
  • Eat Pray Love

10. Pray/ Meditate and Exercise: 

 Not only will they relax you, doing so releases endorphin's ( Happy Hormones) Do the math :)

I Hope you a great life ahead :) Make Everyday Special :) Thank you for reading and be sure to comment what you did and did not like :) Also subscribe for more.
Remember Always Be Grateful :)

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