Thursday 18 August 2016

10 Study Tips To Help You Get Good Grades

Tips and Inspiration for Better Studying

You're starting school, in mid year, or about to have your exams/ test...If your'e going to school, college or university, these Tips will help you study, organize and stay motivated :).

1. Set Goals & Think of The Outcome:

          Ask yourself; what grades are you aiming for? How much time you want to set aside for studying? what subjects require more attention? etc And set your self your OWN goals. And keep reminding your self  ''good grades will make you feel so relaxed and proud of yourself,'' It will be such a great feeling trust me :) and will motivate you for the next time as well.

2. Organize Through a Calendar:

          Make a plan. Mark the days on a calendar of when would you study and what. Set dates for subjects and chapters and stick this calendar on you door or your wall (where you can see it clearly). Cut of days as you go. This acts as a reminder and a motivator.

3. Best Time To Study:

         Although it varies on person to person but the best time to study is said to be in the morning.
 The best time when you are more likely to remember is before you go to sleep. That being said the best time is what seems best to you and is not specified to the clock e.g  when there is silence or when your favourite show is not up or when you are not hungry . :) Think about these points and plan to your desire.

4. Best Ways to Memorize:

  • Write what you read
  • Reading out loud
  • Explain to yourself, Pretend you are the teacher (helps A LOT)

5. Study Space:

        Should be:
  • Clean
  • Comfortable
  • Prepared with things you might need (water bottle, pens, highlighters, notes etc)
  • Bright and Ventilated.
  • Greenery in the room will keep your min refreshed.(fake/ or real plants)

6. *Put Distractions Away:

        This can be really hard but Put your cell or your laptop to another room. Just do it. I know I know you have to look online for answers as you study, but guess what ?when we used to be in school we looked through related books and dictionaries, Not only will this save you from distractions but going through books and putting an effort to find answers WILL make you learn things even better. You can mark things you HAVE to look online for and then after your assigned study time is up then bring back your devices and look 'em up. This way even if you get distracted you did actually study before :) 

7. Make your Own Questions:

         As you read , make every paragraph or so a question and answer accordingly. This tip really helped me to remember by WORST subject in medical school :)

8. Breaks and Rewards:

         They really do matter. But can also be a distraction in themselves. Choose wisely!

9.  Your Own :

        Make your own ways to remember through your own mnemonics or songs and poems. Personalized ones will make you feel creative and you are more likely to remember those.

10. Test yourself:

         At the end of every study session test your self. Use every heading as a question OR the ones you made while reading (refer to point 7). And bee critical about your answers. Flash cards can also be used to test yourself.

Hope these tips help you :) GoodLuck :) and remember always BE Grateful :)

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