Thursday 25 August 2016

ULTIMATE Guide To Hand-Bag Essentials + OrganizationTips

~ BEST Handbag Essentials Guide ~
~Organization Tips~

Bought a new bag? or trying to Organize your old one? :) Here is the ULTIMATE list of handbag essentials that is sure to help and inspire you :) .
Have this as a Checklist :

At All Times In Your Bag:

1. Gum:

          Obvious isn't it? And if you don't have it and your out and about you WILL wish you had a pack, :) (mint preferably) That will act as a breath freshener as well

2. Emergency Pouch:

         With all the emergency essentials that you might be needing at some point For Sure:
  • Band aids
  • Pain Killer Tablets
  • Tampons
  • Tide pen (stain remover)

3. Yum:

        Always keep a small handy snack in your bag e.g a chocolate bar, granola bar, candies, pack of nuts. There Will be a time when you'll need it. Maybe you ran out of home in a hurry & forgot to eat something, maybe you're in a meeting and feeling dizzy, maybe lunch time is still hours away you will always have backup :)

4. Beauty Essential Pouch:

  • Lip balm
  • Lip stick ( can also be used as a blush in desperate times :) )
  • Hair pins (bobby pins)
  • Hair ties ( rubber bands)
  • Mini Lotion/ Hand cream
  • Blotting Sheets
  • Small/ Fold-able hair brush/ comb
  • Pair of stud earrings ( A MUST if i say so myself :) )

5. Tissues/ Wet wipes:

         Always handy. Keep a pack.

6. Hand Sanitizer :

        For all those public toilet trips :/ .

7. Headphones:

        Always have an extra pair in your bag. You will be grateful when you remember you had them :) (smaller preferably)

Things To Remember Before Leaving The House:

  1. Wallet
  2. Cell Phone
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Keys
  5. Water Bottle

Extra Things That Can Be Very Useful:

  1. Portable Charger
  2. Mini Perfume
  3. Nail Clippers ( How many times i have wished i had one to clip that annoying cuticle off)
  4. A pen & a small note book.  


Here are some tips for better organization of your hand bag :

  • Use Small Pouches: Having pouches for certain alike things will keep things organized and easy to find. Like I mention earlier, have pouches for beauty or emergency essential, extra change or coins etc.

  • Keys in the Outer Pocket of Handbag: Makes it easy to reach out for and you will not stand there buried in your bag besides your car trying to find your key.

  • One Inner Pocket Specified For Your Cell: Again makes it easy to find and reach out for and also avoids scratches from other things in your bag.
  • Bag Size: A too-large bag will always be too cluttered. As it has more space, you'll tend to put more things and stuff it till it SEEMs full. Get what i mean? :) Where as a smaller bag will never have enough space. So opt for a medium sized bag  which is also easy to carry .

Hope this inspired you to clean and organize your bag or even get a new bag ;) If you enjoyed reading be sure to share :) Leave a comment sharing your tips or essentials.Follow for more.
And remember always be GRATEFUL!

Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own the pictures used.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Daily Habits For A BETTER Life

''Daily Habits For A BETTER Life''

Feel Great About Yourself Because Good is Just Not Good Enough 

From the time you wake up till the time you go to bed; these Habits will change you Physically & Mentally. Keep these habits and you will see a difference in your yourself .

1. Right as You Wake Up:

               The moment you wake up you create your day. Your mood creates circumstances for you day. No matter how tiered to pooped you feel...Start on a good note.. This is VERY important . 
  • Mood booster: I use this app ( daily The Secrete ) it has a time you can set according to your wake-up time, and daily it has a new inspiring line that pop ups. This may sound overheard and not exciting but somewhere in your subconsciousness it creates this base for your upcoming day.
  • Drink a glass of water: Right as you wake up. Keep it by your bed side. (warm preferably) Your body has been dehydrated for all the hours you spent sleeping. This will start your metabolism.

2. Smile At Yourself: 

             In the mirror as you wash your face or get ready Smile at your self. :) It can be for No apparent reason. :) Don't feel awkward. This is said to trigger your brain and release endorphins. Which as you already might know are Hormones that put your body into a happy relaxed state. Great Start of the day.

3. Dress Nice: 

               Even if you're at home. This does not mean to lounge around in a cocktail dress and high heels. Opt for clothes that are nicer looking. Nice clothes CAN BE comfortable :) and CAN BE inexpensive :) 
When you dress nice you'll automatically feel better. PROVEN fact. This gives you confidence 

4. Give At-least ONE Compliment Everyday:

              Something about human nature. When you make others feel good YOU feel Good.

5. Say Yes To Changes:

              They might turn out to be EXACTLY what you need :) This can be the smallest decisions of your day too LIKE : 
  • Something new to eat
  • a new place to visit
  • talking to someone you usually don't talk to
  • smiling at someone
  • Pulling off a new trend

Try these for a Week and see how you like them. :) You'll feel different Even after a few days i tell you . Every day is a new Chapter :) It's your choice how to live that day :) so why not make it a good one.
Thank You so much for reading. Leave a comment of what you may try:) Folow for more and remember Always BE GRATEFUL! :)

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own these pictures.

Thursday 18 August 2016

10 Study Tips To Help You Get Good Grades

Tips and Inspiration for Better Studying

You're starting school, in mid year, or about to have your exams/ test...If your'e going to school, college or university, these Tips will help you study, organize and stay motivated :).

1. Set Goals & Think of The Outcome:

          Ask yourself; what grades are you aiming for? How much time you want to set aside for studying? what subjects require more attention? etc And set your self your OWN goals. And keep reminding your self  ''good grades will make you feel so relaxed and proud of yourself,'' It will be such a great feeling trust me :) and will motivate you for the next time as well.

2. Organize Through a Calendar:

          Make a plan. Mark the days on a calendar of when would you study and what. Set dates for subjects and chapters and stick this calendar on you door or your wall (where you can see it clearly). Cut of days as you go. This acts as a reminder and a motivator.

3. Best Time To Study:

         Although it varies on person to person but the best time to study is said to be in the morning.
 The best time when you are more likely to remember is before you go to sleep. That being said the best time is what seems best to you and is not specified to the clock e.g  when there is silence or when your favourite show is not up or when you are not hungry . :) Think about these points and plan to your desire.

4. Best Ways to Memorize:

  • Write what you read
  • Reading out loud
  • Explain to yourself, Pretend you are the teacher (helps A LOT)

5. Study Space:

        Should be:
  • Clean
  • Comfortable
  • Prepared with things you might need (water bottle, pens, highlighters, notes etc)
  • Bright and Ventilated.
  • Greenery in the room will keep your min refreshed.(fake/ or real plants)

6. *Put Distractions Away:

        This can be really hard but Put your cell or your laptop to another room. Just do it. I know I know you have to look online for answers as you study, but guess what ?when we used to be in school we looked through related books and dictionaries, Not only will this save you from distractions but going through books and putting an effort to find answers WILL make you learn things even better. You can mark things you HAVE to look online for and then after your assigned study time is up then bring back your devices and look 'em up. This way even if you get distracted you did actually study before :) 

7. Make your Own Questions:

         As you read , make every paragraph or so a question and answer accordingly. This tip really helped me to remember by WORST subject in medical school :)

8. Breaks and Rewards:

         They really do matter. But can also be a distraction in themselves. Choose wisely!

9.  Your Own :

        Make your own ways to remember through your own mnemonics or songs and poems. Personalized ones will make you feel creative and you are more likely to remember those.

10. Test yourself:

         At the end of every study session test your self. Use every heading as a question OR the ones you made while reading (refer to point 7). And bee critical about your answers. Flash cards can also be used to test yourself.

Hope these tips help you :) GoodLuck :) and remember always BE Grateful :)

Tuesday 16 August 2016

BEST 10 Ways To Change Your life (Start Living)

The BEST Ways To Change Your Life

Are you always lazy and unmotivated? Is there something depressing going in your life that is pulling you down? Does your life seem like everyday is exactly the same ? ; get up for work/school, come home, eat, watch TV/ go online and go back to sleep...?
Then you should know that you are not living! No matter what the outcome is...if you are living this way, you are wasting YOUR life.

Here are some ways and tips for you to change your life for Better and make you start LIVING:

1.Make a Routine:

 Just by making a SIMPLE daily routine that is easy to follow will change not only your life but YOU. You will feel much more organized, productive and your thoughts will start to be more disciplined. Try to make it easy so that it is not stressful to follow.

2. Change your Look:

 Haircut, hair color, different styled clothes (that usually you would not pick for yourself), getting into shape etc. Such changes bring confidence. Confidence boosts self esteem which in-turn makes you feel happy about yourself. Which will do wonders :)

3. Declutter/ Organize / Redecorate:

 I can not stress this point more. Pick a place in your house, your room, even your office and start to declutter. Organize your space in minimalism. And redecorate if your heart desires :). You will love the after feeling. AND this will de-stress you and improve your mood. A clean organized place will in a strange way organize your mind, inspire and relax you . You'll have to try this for yourself :)

4. Pick Daily Habits:

Picking daily healthy habits will make you healthy inside out. Some Healthy Daily Habits to try out are:
  • Compliment someone daily.
  • Read a new quote daily.
  • Smile more
  • Keep a journal/ Planner.
  • Daily Breakfast etc
Opt for things that will make you feel productive and good. :)

5. Get a Pet:

 Pets bring so much love into life. It might seem that you train them but they train YOU too :) .Pets help you to develop a nurturing side in you, they teach us responsibilities and discipline. (believe it or not) :) And if you already have one, you know what i'm talking about :).

6. At-least 1 Healthy Meal Daily:

 What you eat really does change who you are. Physically and mentally. Try eating 1 healthy meal daily to start with. 
 If your every meal is healthy than you're doing yourself great :)

7. Change 1 Bad Habit:

Whats this one thing that bothers you about yourself? You may find many, as no one is perfect :) and THAT is perfectly fine. But pick one bad habbit and work on it. By this I don't mean change one bad habbit daily, just change one bad habbit as long as it takes.

8. Maintain Relations: 

 Keep in touch with close friends and FAMILY :). Don't take loving people in your life for granted.

9. Think:

 By that i mean Think Happy Thoughts :)..Do it while you're in the Shower, stuck in traffic, about to go to sleep. Small chunks of your time; spend them by giving love to yourself, to things around you, to people around you...Even in your mind. Like ''Wow what a beautiful day :)'' or '' I really like her dress'' or ''May God bless him/her'' or '' I love my hair today'' :) These thoughts will make you happy internally :)
Some inspiring books I would recommend are:
  • The Secrete
  • The Power
  • You are a badass
  • Eat Pray Love

10. Pray/ Meditate and Exercise: 

 Not only will they relax you, doing so releases endorphin's ( Happy Hormones) Do the math :)

I Hope you a great life ahead :) Make Everyday Special :) Thank you for reading and be sure to comment what you did and did not like :) Also subscribe for more.
Remember Always Be Grateful :)

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Prepare for Summer - ''Get Your House Summer Ready''

Summer Ready In 7 Easy Ways

I love to get excited for every changing season, mostly because I love to decorate and improvise my home accordingly :) Change is always good. You too should always have time to make little bits of effort for yourself and your home, no matter how lazy or how much of a procrastinator you are. It will make you feel good, happy and trust it or not; More Confident.

With summer, why not make your living space bright, fresh and colorful to match the outdoors? Bright sun, vibrant flowers, breezy oceans and everything that screams summer. :)
Here are a few ways and ideas that might inspire you:

1.Get rid of Carpets:

                                     Let your floors breathe :)If your floors are not glued with carpets, roll them up.Roll away the bulky rugs, leave small light ones. It will open up your space instantly & your feet will love it too :)


                 Your bed is the center of  attention of your room. During summer having light, bright fresh colored bed spreads and sheets will surely look and feel refreshing and "happy" :) No need to spend money. use ones you already have; brights colored one's. I personally love to use WHITE Bedding. It will give your room an elegant touch, make your room seem open and clean and let other articles in your room seem prominent (which we will be talking about below).

3.Add Color: 

                     Let it be in any form of art or decor you desire; Throw pillows, lamp shades, frames, decoration pieces, books... anything. Let your personality take charge.
Get Flowers (articicial or real, your choice) and set them by your bedside, your dresser, coffee table... This will add the pop of color you'll like to see everyday :).

4.Plants and Pots:

                               Again artificial or real. Green color is said to calm you down. Bring nature inside; a pot on your kitchen counter, a plant in your lounge, a vase by your washroom sink.
Your hose is now already starting to fell summery :).

5.Summer Scents:

  • Light up some summer scented candles around the house
  • Try aroma diffusers (there are various cheaper options around the market nowadays)
  • Make your OWN scent at home: 
                                  - 2 cups of water on stove at low heat
                                  - 2 lemons cut into slices (add into water)
                                  - some rose-merry / few vanilla drops
              Let this mixture simmer and house will smell deliciously fresh :).

6.Summer Treats:

                               Having treats and snacks lying around, that are summer themed, is a little bit of extra effort that you will surely love on hot days.
Here are some healthy treat and snack options:

  1. Frozen grapes (try them if you haven't already) :)
  2. Fresh juice/ fruit popsicles
  3. Watermelon slices (have some cut slices in your fridge)
  4. Lemon and mint infused water ( try other infused water recipies too find them online:) )
  5. Strawberries and chocolate/ chocolate syrup (small amounts of chocolate can not harm you :) )
Having these in your fridge, where you can look at them will make you reach for them. This will help you avoid unhealthy food as you'll be munching on them. A GREAT TIP to keep in mind :)

  7.Background Music

                             Having some lights fun beats playing in the background while you do your chores, cook, read, or doing nothing :) , will make you feel relaxed and happier :) Have some speakers around? wireless maybe? Well take them out then .Here are some options to help you out:
  • Free Falling (Topical Remix) --- THIS will make you hapy. Trust me :)
  • Happy Jazz
  • Other Tropical remixes --- see what you may like

I Hope these ideas will brighten up your space and your mood :) Leave comments below if you liked reading this :) Please subscribe :) and remember to always BE GRATEFUL .

Disclaimer : i don't own nor claim to own all the ideas and pictures used in the article.!