Monday 11 September 2017

Healthy Habits Throughout The Day (Be Happy, Healthy & Successful)

~ Healthy Habits for Daily Routine ~

"Develop Healthy Habits For A Better Lifestyle & A Healthier, Happier You "

~ From Day to Night ~

Human brain loves routines and pattern :)  Always have a daily routine. I'm not saying to plan out every second of everyday... but just a rough routine,some daily habits and to-do lists will not only keep you organized and productive but will also make you FEEL accomplished ☺ having small but very useful habits throughout the day will surely be a positive kick for your Daily Routine ☺.


1. Wake up Time:

                             Get up daily at the same time. This sets an automatic alarm in your system if you do it consistently which will not make you feel grumpy every morning you wake up :)

2. Smile:

                Make this be the first thing you do when you wake up :) its just so easy and simple yet so powerful. Smiling even if there is nothing to smile about can trick your brain :) our brains can be little silly you know ;) :).

3. Drink Water:

                         Set a glass of water by your bed at night. get up smile stretch a little and have that glass of water. :) This will start your system and also not drinking water throughout the night for so many hours sure does dehydrate you.

4. Make your Bed:

                             Its sounds so much more harder than it really is :) trust me... Making your bed as you get up will make your room seem cleaner and you will feel productive already.

5. Digital Detox:

                           Don't just wake up and reach straight for your cell phone. Spend a good chunk of your morning away from all kinds of techs.Open the windows ,go outside have some fresh air or even sitting by your window ;do something nature related away from screens. This will set the tone for the rest of your day. ☺

6. Planner:

                   Even if you are not a planning junkie, :) get a planner/ journal. Whether you use it daily or every now and then for a random to-do list :). Plan out a routine, write down the habits you want to establish.You'll like it I'm sure :)

7. Have a Good Breakfast:

                                 Always always have a good full breakfast. You will feel so much better :). Never skip your breakfast.Plan out a night before or to go breakfasts are always a good idea, just don't skip it :)


1. Exercise:

                  Ok it does not have be after your day. Just take time out for a bit of exercise even if it just 10 minutes of dancing to your favorite up-beat song or an hour at the gym. Let your body sweat at least once a day.

2. Tidy up as you go:

                               Clean up after you just made food or turned the wardrobe upside down just to find something to wear. Its so easy to say ''oh i'll do it later'' but doing so as you go will make your life so you can actually spend free relax time when you might have been procrastinating and stressing out about cleaning your space.☺

3. Unwind :

                  An hour or so before bed time just simply unwind and make your space cozy. Dim the lights, light up a candle, have a bath, throw on comfy PJ's. Get your brain ready for bed. This will relax you immensely. Do this daily and you will feel less stressed after school or work just looking forward to relax time.

4. Read Something Daily:

                                        Just like we did in our mornings, put down your screens. You have used them more then enough all day I'm sure of it :) So reading before bed can be a great way to relax and can be extremely therapeutic. Also make a habit of reading something everyday, even if it's a paragraph.

5. Go to Bed at the Same Time daily:

                                                      This will help you get enough sleep and feel unrested the next morning :)

Try some of these Habits in your Daily Routine :)
Add love your Daily ☺